Why you should start bookclub

All We Ever Wanted  here // The Nightingale here //A Well Behaved Woman here /City of Girls here

Let’s talk Book Club!  Are you in a book club? If not I encourage you to start one ASAP!

Thankfully my girlfriend started one a few years ago and the rest is history! We try (heavy emphasis on the word “try”) to meet every six weeks. School schedules and activities are tough so we try our best. We also try and coordinate around special occasions i.e. Christmas, The Oscars, etc.

Here’s a few tips to get one started…

  1. Choose a date, a book, and a host.
  2. Everyone brings a dish. This can be as simple as veggies and hummus, a salad, a protein, sandwiches, a dessert, a charcuterie board, a bottle or two of wine, etc.
  3. The host usually provides a signature drink, champagne, a cocktail, or something fitting with the theme of the book.
  4. Choose your next host and date when you’re all together. This is the surest way to alleviate the endless back and forth text chain of what works and or doesn’t work for everyones schedule. Try to make it a point to schedule your next meeting while you’re all together.
  5. Speaking of text chain. We’ve found the the easiest way to stay connected is to start a What’s App thread.
  6. Choose your book. A good rule of thumb is to let the current host select the book or a few titles for the group to choose from. This ensures that everyone gets a chance to make the bookclub selection at least once.
  7. Be a good sport and push yourself to step outside of your comfort zone. For example, in general I don’t typically navigate towards the suspense genre. However, we’ve had some selections from that category and I chose to dive in with an open mind. Guess what…I LOVED THEM! If it wasn’t for book club I never would have read them and now I’ve discovered that I actually enjoy that genre of literature.



xo Alex
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